Wednesday 25 March 2015

Potions and Liquid Luck: A Recipe Inspired by Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

This recipe, inspired by Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, is for those of you 18 and over. In this Harry Potter film, Harry finds a potion book with notes written in it by a person who calls himself the Half Blood Prince. These notes help Harry to become extremely good in his potions class. We can see this in the clip below:

We can see in this clip that because of Harry's skills in the potion class, he actually wins a small amount of Felix Felicis or Liquid Luck. The recipe below is a cocktail inspired by Felix Felicis:


  1. 1/4 oz simple syrup
  2. 1/4 lemon juice
  3. 1.5 oz ginger beer
  4. champagne or sparkling wine 
Mix the syrup and lemon juice in the bottom of a glass. Add ginger beer and fill with champagne or sparkling wine. 

photo courtesy of buzzfeed

This Harry Potter inspired cocktail is delicious, and a crowd-pleaser. Enjoy it while sitting around a cauldron pretending to make potions. 

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,


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